Japanese Term Translation

Ah, you ran across some word you didn't know in one of the fics, did you? Well, I'm definitely not fluent, but here are some of the words you may see in the fics. I know how confusing it is to not know what people mean sometimes. Lol! Anything to add? Email it to me.

Nani - What?

Baka - Fool/Idiot

Osayumi - Good night

Konnichiwa - Hello/How are you?

Ohayou - Good morning!

Gomen - Sorry! (Informal)

Arigatou - Thank you

Konbanwa - Good evening!

Moshi moshi? - I'm pretty sure they use this when they answer the phone, correct me if I'm wrong. I don't know the exact translation. Me, being the moron that I am, actually say this when I answer the phone...

Hai - Yes

Uke - The one on bottom when they *cough* you know

Seme - The one on top...

Bishounen - Beautiful young anime boy

Chibi - Small or babyish or....something? My nickname.....

Hentai - Anime porn! Or the people into it. Perverted, sexual, etc etc. I am a hentai!

Kawaii - Cute

Sugoi - Cool

-kun - Added to the end of a guy's name if you are familiar with him. I call Tiger Trunks-kun. Yes, I know, we are not boys. We just call each other Trunks and Goten....

Koibito - Lover!

Tou-san - Father

Ka-saan - Mother

Ichi - One

Ni - Two

San - Three

Shi - Four

Go - Five

Roku - Six

Shichi - Seven

Hachi - Eight

Ku - Nine

Juu - Ten

Hope this helps ya get through our fics! I'm tired.......Osayumi.

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