
By submitting my work to Zebra or Tiger, I am giving them permission to correct all grammar.

If you are submitting, it is essential that you read this first. Pleaaase be a wonderful person and make my and Tiger's existence much easier and read this! Thank you much!

I'm assuming you're here to submit something. Since this site is so young, and we don't have much up yet, I would appreciate it very much if you would submit art, poetry, fan fiction, ideas for fics, ideas for fan art, etc. Choose your category of submission and please read the mailing instructions. (I'm in a very weary mood...Had a sleepover with Tiger and Minikin last night and Tiger would not let us go to sleep until almost seven in the morning.....I only got about six hours of sleep....Need about fifteen......*mumbles*)

Fan Fiction Submissions

This is a yaoi site, meaning that we don't want any heterosexual fan fiction. We want yaoi, preferably Dragonball Z. I will accept snuff (when one person is killed after bondage in sex), lemon of course (explicit sex), shota (sex involving children), just about anything, really, although shota really does not appeal to me personally, but I will post it. You can use bad language. Try to keep your grammar acceptable, I already have to critique certain other people's...I am giving myself to read through these and correct all the grammar I want. Sorry, but I want this site to be nice. Tell me if you want your name and email included with your fic so people can contact you. Thanks.

Submit Fan Fiction

Poetry Submissions

Poetry....Tell me how you want it, stanza and line wise.Tell me if you want your name and email included with your Poem so people can contact you. Oh, and give me a title. Thanks.

Submit Poetry

Fan Art and Fan Fiction Suggestions Submissions

I am not taking any fan art from other people anytime soon, but if you would like me to write a fic or draw a picture, tell me what you want and how you want it, and I'll try to get it done pretty quick. It's gotta be yaoi, though!

Submit Fan Art and Fan Fiction Suggestions

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